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Showing posts from 2017

Important warning for immigrants arrested by deportation officers

Important warning for immigrants arrested by deportation officers Important warning for immigrants arrested by deportation officers and /or transferred from Criminal Jail If you are given a paper that gives you an option to sign voluntary departure or request to see an immigration judge the deportation officers often ask you to sign “voluntary departure” or as many clients say “voluntary deportation” DON’T SIGN IT. Unfortunately, our law firm had seen many clients whose relatives were bullied by deportation officers into signing voluntary departure / voluntary deportation. The deportation officers lied to our clients that that if they don’t sign deportation, they will stay in deportation jail for many months or a year before getting a hearing with immigration judge , that its useless to fight their case , that hiring an immigration lawyer is a waste of money. Reed More:

Deportation or Removal

What is Deportation or Removal? If you or a family member who is not a citizen or permanent resident and is undocumented in the United States may be placed in deportation proceedings. In the last year more than 360,000 foreigners were deported in a formal process of removal from the United States. Regardless of your immigration status do not try to fight alone against deportation. The Government of the United States can use more than 50 reasons to take out or ask to be deported outside the United States. The reasons may constitute immigration violations, convictions of one or more felonies (Felonies) or misdemeanor (Misdemeanors). The most common cause is the entrance erratically (undocumented) to the United States. Remember that there are several possible defenses against deportation. The defense against deportation is complicated and requires the help of a licensed and experienced immigration attorney. Our offices Paniotto Law in the city of Los Angeles have over 16 years of


Si usted o un familiar que no es ciudadano o residente permanente y esta indocumentado en Los Estados Unidos puede ser puesto en proceso de deportación. En el último año más de 360,000 extranjeros fueron deportados en un proceso formal de remoción de Los Estados Unidos. Independientemente de su estado Migratorio no trate de luchar solo contra la deportación. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Puede utilizar más de 50 razones para pedir que lo saquen o deporten fuera de Los Estados Unidos. Las razones se pueden constituir en violaciones migratorias, condenas de uno o más delitos mayores (Felonies) o falta menor (Misdemeanors). La causa más frecuente es la entrada de manera irregular(indocumentado) a Los Estados Unidos. Recuerde que existen varias posibilidades de defensas contra la deportación. La defensa contra la deportación es complicada y se requiere de la ayuda de un abogado autorizado y con experiencia de inmigración. En Nuestras oficinas de Paniotto Law en la ciudad de Los Án

How to Get a Green Card through Employment

How to Get a Green Card through Employment  Green Card through Employment  One of the fastest and best ways to obtain a Green Card is through a petition by a prospective employer through Labor Certification. Under Permanent system Certification. The employer must be ready to file Petition for Immigrant Worker There are two necessary requirements to the Labor Certification process. The prospective employee must be a skilled or unskilled worker with work experience depending on the position being offered. The prospective employer must be able to demonstrate to the USCIS that he can afford to pay to the immigrant employee the "prevailing wage" for the immigrant's job position. However, the employer need not be a large company. Even a small company, a sole proprietorship, can petition an employee. For more information call us to make an appointment It is extremely important to look at an Immigration Attorney. Make an appointment call us (213)534-6622 for a  free